Immune Boost 2,5 kg
Immune Boost ist eine Futtermischung zur Aufrechterhaltung und Unterstützung der normalen Abwehrkräfte des Pferdes.
Enthält Schwarzkümmelsamen, Eibisch, Bockshornkleesamen, Brennnessel, Schafgarbe, Knoblauch, Sanddorn, Löwenzahnblatt, Pollengranulat und eine Prise Liebe .
Dosierung Pferd 500 KG: 1-2 DL / TAG. 1 DL = 30 G
Immune Boost is a effective and versatile feed mix to boost your horse´s overall condition and resistance.
Immune Boost contains black cumin seed, marshmallow root, fenugreek seed, nettle, yarrow, garlic, sea buckthorn, dandelion leaf, bee pollen grains and a pinch of love .
Black Cumin seeds supports immune system and is a anti-microbial plant. Fenugreek refresh and faster recovery, as well as to protects the intestines. Nettle is a very nutritive plant, which improves the overall condition and immunity. Yarrow strengthens the immune system. Yarrow leaves contains a rich variety of vitamins and minerals. Yarrow also has anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle and yarrow together does a fantastic synergy work and improves both plants curative properties. Garlic helps to maintain the horse's resistance, as well as to maintain respiratory function. Garlic is an antiseptic, antibiotic and antimicrobial. Sea buckthorn is extremely rich in vitamins. It contains all other vitamins in exception of vitamin D. Sea buckthorn berry seeds is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which have beneficial health effects for example improving the treatment of inflammations and allergies.
Dosage: 500kg horse: 1-2 dl / day.
1 dl weights about 30g.